Monday, September 27, 2010

The summer months

Hello, all!
It has been a busy few months since my last post, but here is a quick review of the highlights:

My cool cousins came to visit:

Some footie with the van Beeks…

I broke a finger and a had a supercool plaster on, check it out!

I saw my leading lady in spain, it was great to catch up!

…and off course, I turned 3 in July!

But before that, the exciting world cup of july...

We are the champions!!


isabelle said...

wat een mooie foto's Diego, en wat ben je toch een stoer jongetje, groetjes van oma Ria.

maritha said...

lieve diego wat en coole foto's! we missen je heel erg !!
kissesxxxxxxooooo max guus en isabelle en tante maritha en oom frank